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An image of Kurvana's ASCND collection Astro Queen strain All-In-One disposable vape.

Astro Queen All-In-One

HybridBerry, Sweet, Herbal

Take yourself on a cosmic journey with a fruity hybrid that provides a sense of balanced euphoria.


Astro BoySpace Queen

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More ASCND Strains
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Alien Kush

IndicaEarthy, Pine, Grape
An image of Kurvana's ASCND collection Alien Kush strain All-In-One disposable vape.

Alien Kush All-In-One

IndicaEarthy, Pine, Grape
An image of Kurvana's ASCND collection Amnesia Haze strain cartridge.

Amnesia Haze

SativaCitrus, Lemon, Earthy


Unprecedented testing transparency. Learn more about this strain below:
  • Astro Queen All-In-One Effects and Uses

    Astro Queen is considered one of the more rare cannabis strains, making it highly sought-after by cannabis enthusiasts and appreciated for its powerful effects. The strain offers a potent, cerebral euphoria that tends to come on quickly before settling into a more restful mental and physical state of mind. This is a strain that is especially appreciated by those seeking creative inspiration with the benefit of deep relaxation within minutes of use. Some reviewers have said the Astro Queen ASCND vape has helped them with headaches, stress, and depression. 

  • Description

  • Potency

  • Primary Terpenes

  • Extraction

  • Ingredients

  • Testing Methodology

  • Specifications

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Strain NameStrain TypeAnxietyAppetiteCreativityDepressionEnergyInflammationInsomniaNauseaPainRelaxationStress
Alien KushIndica
Dutch TreatIndica
Earth OGIndica
Jet FuelIndica
Lunar OGIndica
Northern LightsIndica
Purple punchIndica
Space Walker OGIndica
Astro QueenHybrid
Cherry TruffleHybrid
Cosmic GlueHybrid
Pink SherbetHybrid
Wedding CakeHybrid
Amnesia HazeSativa
Cactus CoolerSativa
C. JackSativa
Georgia SkySativa
High FashionSativa
Key LimeSativa
Orange CookiesSativa
Tangie DreamSativa
This chart is for educational purposes only. This information is neither a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professionals.