Singles Speakeasy in Los Angeles
Kurvana was excited to sponsor the Inaugural Cannabis Single’s Speakeasy on September 21st at the Green Street Creative Agency’s rooftop, located in the heart of Miracle Mile, a lively and cultivating pass that extends thru the renown Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles. The cannabis-friendly dating workshop and singles mixer was hosted by Life Coach and Dating Expert, Molly Peckler of Highly Devoted Coaching.
The ambiance was simply beautiful and effortless, encouraging a sense of calm relaxation in an open, yet intimate environment. Single cannabis enthusiasts looking to romantically connect with others who share a common interest in cannabis products were exclusively invited to join a night of mingling and vaping with select Kurvana products.
As guests arrived, they were greeted by a host and invited onto the rooftop, a tastefully romantic setting bordered by an art installation on one end and a panoramic view of Los Angeles on the other end. Valid medicinal cannabis card holders had the freedom to enjoy cannabis in an elegant backdrop with refined poise.
Ms. Peckler kicked off the night with a brief workshop to help attendees develop the right frame of mind to gain tools to confidently connect with others and quickly analyze whether or not someone would be a compatible partner.
Just under thirty people enjoyed a leisurely night of friendly conversation, appetizers and vaping with Kurvana’s Original and Infusions line of products. Singles from varying backgrounds and professions attended, but they all came together for a shared interest: to genuinely enjoy cannabis within a sophisticated environment and with great company.
The chef prepared delicious delights and small-plates, offering guests chocolate filled beignets and small skillet-prepped plates to those guests wanting to indulge in some light snacks.

Overall, the night was a success and Kurvana was humbled to join the organizers in galvanizing cannabis-friendly love and comradeship. One attendee even admitted that thus far, this was his favorite networking event.
Kurvana is committed to creating products that both manifest the health benefits of cannabis and exemplify upscale living. Plans for another Single’s Speakeasy and similar cannabis-friendly events are currently in the works. Stay tuned.